Results are great. Results Based Management is GREAT! Not all would agree, I know. The reason: it is not done right! Most of the time …
Voila, I present to you: The five pillars of practical RBM!
If you are a manager, a planner, or an M&E specialist or consultant, there are five pillars – five good practices – that are crucial to translate RBM into an effective, powerful approach. The five pillars of practical RBM are:
- A relentless focus on outcomes, outcomes, and outcomes
- To keep adapting what we do based on what we learned from outcome monitoring
- To involve stakeholders at every step to create quick feedback loops
- To budget for outcomes and outputs, not for activities
- And in general: to keep RBM as simple as possible, but not simplistic
What to learn more about how to plan, monitor and report on results? Check out our detailed video course on Practical Results Based Management on Udemy.